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Q: What does the meaning of the phobia cover by breaking Benjamin?
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How did the band 'Breaking Benjamin' get started?

Well it started out to be vocalist Benjamin Burnley and Drummer Jeremey Hummel in 1998. But then in 2000 guitarist Aaron Fink, and Bassist Mark James left Lifer and joined what is now Breaking Benjamin.

Does Benjamin burnley have wet brain?

Yes, Benjamin Burnley got "wet brain" which is a term for wernicke-korsakoff Syndrome. He was diagnosed with the disorder and started his road to recovery through alocohol abstinence. Breaking Benjamin's latest album, Dear Agony's cover is Ben's brain scan or MRI due to the fact that the album is very personal.

Who has covered deftones change song?

Deftones-change Breaking Benjamin, along with Shaun Morgan of Seether and Barry Stock of Three Days Grace, performed a live cover of this song during the spring leg of their 2008 tour.

What is the meaning of average cover?

This question doesn't specifically define which meaning of average cover you are looking for. The meaning of average per cover in restaurants is the total number of sales divided by the cover per sale.

What does the cover of Breaking Dawn look like?

the cover of breaking dawn looks like a chess piece. You can look at the official cover here... :D all the breaking dawn books have hard covers. the soft covers didn't come out yet.

Where can you find a picture of the breaking dawn cover?

go to and look up 'breaking dawn' or go to .

What is the chess piece on the Breaking Dawn cover?

Queen A pawn is at the back

What is the smallest chest piece on the cover of breaking dawn?

the red pon

What does cover of breaking dawn represent?

clandestine or undercover operations are sometimes done under the cover of breaking dawn. At daybreak it's still dark enough to be difficult to be seen but enough light to see.

What is the breaking dawn DVD cover going to look like?

If you look on the website it keeps you updated on breaking dawn news. No one knows what the cover will look like because it hasn't been released yet.

What is the meaning of eclipse book cover by Stephenie Meyer?

the ribbon is Bella. she is torn apart between Edward Cullen and Jacob Black. this what i think the cover of Eclipse is.

What do the twilight covers symbolise?

According to Stephenie's website: The apple on the cover of Twilight symbolizes forbidden fruit The torn and frayed ribbon on the cover of Eclipse is to symbolize a not-so-clean break And the Queen and Pawn on the chessboard on Breaking Dawn is to show how Bella went from the weakest player to the most powerful. (the New Moon cover had no specific meaning)