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Xenon-135 decay to caesium-135 by beta emission.

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In a reactor, 135Xe normally captures a neutron to become 136Xe. Those atoms of Xenon which do not capture a neutron decay into 135Caesium.

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Is xenon radioactve?

Some isotopes of xenon do undergo radioactive decay to caesium.

Is xenon dangerous?

There are 40 unstable isotopes (an element contained in xenon) that undergo radioactive decay.

How long did it take for xenon to decay into cesium?

Most isotopes of Xenon are stable and so do not decay. The shortest lived isotope has a half life of more than 10^16 (10 quadrillion) years.

What is the durability of xenon?

Most of the isotopes of xenon are stable and even those that do decay, have half-lives of more than a quadrillion years!

What is the daughter product for the beta decay of iodine-136?

We know that iodine-131 will undergo beta minus decay, and an electron will appear as a result. (An electron antineutrino will also be produced, but we don't want to go there in this topic.)

What decaying radioisotope produces xenon-131 through beta decay?

Iodine 131 -> Xe 131 + e-

What is the nuclear decay equation for Xenon 133?

133 0 133 Xe - B + Cs 54 -1 55

Can you break xenon?

It depends on what you mean by "break". Xenon is a monatomic gas so you aren't going to have any molecular bonds to break in the gas. Most Xenon is composed of stable isotopes so it doesn't much 'break" by radioactive decay. You could bombard it with nuclear particles and cause it to either absorb them and "break" by being transformed into a heavier element, or absorb to become radioactive and then "break" by decay, or fission to produce lighter elements (this is the most difficult since a lot of xenon isotopes are such good neutron absorbers)

What is the result of cesium-137 undergoing beta-minus decay?

Beta minus decay emits a positron so a proton is changed to a neutron in this process. This means that caesium 137 decays to Xenon 137

Where did the element xenon come from?

It came mostly from nova and supernova explosions. It was also produced by red giants which had burned up their hydrogen and entered the asymptotic giant phase.Nova explosions also produced radioactive isotopes and xenon can be produced by radioactive decay of iodine, uranium and plutonium.

What do you use functions for?

The isotope ratios of xenon are an important tool for studying the early history of the Solar System.[10] Xenon-135 is produced as a result of nuclear fission and acts as a neutron absorber in nuclear reactors.[11] Xenon is used in flash lamps[12] and arc lamps,[13] and as a general anesthetic.[14] The firstexcimer laser design used a xenon dimer molecule (Xe2) as its lasing medium,[15] and the earliest laser designs used xenon flash lamps as pumps.[16] Xenon is also being used to search for hypothetical weakly interacting massive particles[17] and as the propellant for ion thrusters in spacecraft.

What is the chemical name for XeF8?

Xenon Difluoride