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It means that we Aussies are all young and lively

and we have our own rights and freedom

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Q: What does young and free mean in the Australian anthem?
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If you mean who made the Party Rock Anthem by it is by LMAFO

What does toil mean in the Australian National anthem?

"Toil" means "work", which a connotation that the work is physically tiring. "With wealth for toil" suggests that work is well-paid or well-rewarded, suggesting that opportunities are available.

What does 'In joyful strains then let us sing' mean in the Australian anthem?

"Strains" is another word for choruses or melodies. Therefore, "joyous strains" refers to singing with joy to promote the strength and advancement of Australia.

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"Anthemic" means "suggestive of an anthem".

Would the anthem be a good book to read in school as a class?

If you mean Anthem by Ayn Rand, save it for high school.