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Its better to get it on which ever ear you don't sleep on or talk on the phone with to make healing easier. I'd put it on the less attractive ear. It'll distract from weird cartilage folds and whatnot. No such thing as a "gay ear".

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Q: What ear should you pierce for upper ear cartilage?
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If your pierce the cartilage in your ear does it die?

no it doesn't

Which part of the ear do people pierce to wear earrings?

Most women pierce the lobe of the ear, although others, pierce the cartilage.

How long should you put ice to numb your cartilage so then u can pierce it?

You should keep the ice on your ear for 4 minutes

Is there a certain spot you pierce your cartilage at?

Well it depends if you have a spot that hurts you in your ear, You should get it anywhere you want but me i would get mine either on top of my ear or on top more than on my ear lobe but kind of in the middle of your ear.

How long should you wait after getting your cartilage pierced to pierce your ear again?

you dont have to wait an exact length of time, i pierce mine all the time ive got a total of 9 in my left ear and they are fine. Enjoy piercing!

What ear piercing hurts the most?

Upper ear cartilage is uncomfortable however it's not eath shattering, if you want the piercing get it done by a pro and you should be fine.

Does piercing pegoda pierce different parts of the ear?

yea they pierce cartilage and lobes. they only pierce ears there so im sure theyd pierce anywhere on that thing :l.

Can you get your ear pierced at the top of age 11?

Yes you can, however this can not be done with a piercing gun. This needs to be done by a professional body piercer in a licensed peircing facility. Piercing guns are not intended to nor are they designed to pierce ear cartilage, infact in most places it is illegal ( by local health regulations ) for anyone to use the piercing gun to pierce anything other than the lower ear lobe. The piercing stud will actually "break" the ear cartilage in stead of cut it like a piercing needle would, this breaking can lead to various forms of disfigurement of the ear cartilage requiring the services of a plastic surgeon to repair. Any location using a piercing gun to pierce upper ear cartilage is doing so in violation with most health regulations and the manufacturers instruction. Doing it doesn't make it right or legal.

Is it better to pierce with a needle or gun?

The Needle. Using The Gun To Pierce Like For Example Your Cartilage In Your Ear, The Cartilage Might Shatter And Youll Feel Tiny Bumps Around Your New Piercing, Thatll Mean You Have Shattered Your Cartilage. So In My Opinion For Choosing What To Pierce With I Would Have To Say A Hollow Piercing Needle :)

Does piercing your ear for the first time hurt?

Depends on how sensitive you are, and where you're getting pierced. The lower part of the ear will hurt way less, the upper part is mainly cartilage so you may experience stinging. With "industrials" they pierce two parts of your ear, so double the sting if that's what you plan of getting.

Ear cartilage piercing?

Ear cartilage piercing, yes and................

After several months of having the upper ear cartilage pierced it still hurts. Is there supposed to be a small dent where the stud has been?

Pain and discomfort are part and parcel of getting the cartilage pierced with a piercing gun. The piercing gun user knows that they are not allowed to pierce ear cartilage with a piercing gun. Properly done cartilage piercing done by a professional body piercer would have been healed by now. The swelling is due to the stud backing being too close to the skin and not allowing the piercing to drain or breath properly.