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Q: What effect is warmer than normal water in the Florida keys having on the coral reefs there?
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Why is climate warmer in Florida?

Florida is closer to the equator.

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Florida - much warmer

When is the eastern Pacific warmer then normal?

When a weather phenomenon called El Nino happens, the eastern Pacific is warmer than normal.

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I think it is Florida because it's closer to the equator

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the green house effect is when the earth gets warmer because of the pollution in the air is keeping the suns rays in closer to the earth making it warmer.

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Warmer, they have a greenhouse effect and trap heat.

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There are many advantages to having insulated drapes opposed to just every day normal drapes. The main huge advantage it holds is the ability to keep the rooms warmer and that lowers heating bills.

How does El Nino event affect ud here in Florida?

El Nino brings wetter-than-normal conditions to Florida during the winter months, especially late winter. Temperatures tend to be slightly warmer in early winter, and on the cool side in late winter and early spring.

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ocean currents may be considerably warmer or colder than the normal surface air temperatures. their effect is greatest when the prevailing winds blow from the water to the land.

What effect did the climate have on hopi shelters?

cooler and wamer climate

Why are there different climates in United Kingdom and Florida?

Because Florida is much further south than the UK, therefore much warmer.