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Q: What factors produced political change in fifth-century B.C.E. Athens?
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Who made political reforms in Athens?

Solon made political reforms in Athens.

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A political and culture center in Greece?

the city thing was the ATHENS. have a good cristmas

What was the city state that had a basic political unit?

Athens,I think.

The rights of the women in ancient Athens?

Every resident, including women and foreigners, had equal rights in Ancient Athens.

Who were the pericles in ancient Greece?

Pericles was a general and political leader in Athens.

The two sources of western political thought include?

The sources of Western political thought are Athens and Jerusalem. Athens represents Greek and Roman thought, while Jerusalem represents Jewish and Christian thought.

Who moved Athens closest to a democracy?

Pericles, a strong political leader, furthered and promoted Athenian democracy, but did not invent or have the idea of a democracy in Athens.

What kind of government devoloped in Athens?

the main political body of Athens was the assembly, which all free adult male citizens had the right to attend

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Who murdered their political opponents in Athens following the end of the Peloponnesian Wars?

the Thirty Tyrants

How ere the people of Athens different from the people of Sparta?

They both had different political views