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Steppenwolf, although they were referring to motorcycles.

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Q: What group was the first to use the term heavy metal in their lyrics?
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What is heavy white metal?

Heavy Metal with Christian imagery and lyrics.

What is the best heavy metal band with understandable lyrics not growling?

DRAGONFORCE Understandable lyrics? The Beach Boys.

Where can one find lyrics to songs recorded by the American heavy metal band Disturbed?

You can find the lyrics to songs recorded by the American heavy metal band Disturbed online from LyricFreak. Alternatively, you can find the lyrics to Disturbed's songs from the A-ZLyrics website.

Should I be offended by heavy metal or agree with it?

Depends on the band and what the lyrics are about i guess.

What is the name of a heavy metal?

Named from the lyrics of a song by Steppenwolf called Born to be Wild, which contained the lyrics "I like smoke and lightning, heavy metal thunder, racin' with the wind...", though the phrase heavy metal in those lyrics was referring to motorcycles.

Do you believe black sabbath created heavy metal?

No, I don't believe that any one group created heavy metal

How is death metal different?

Death metal is different in that it used typically heavier guitar riffs, morbid lyrics, and is played very quickly. It also differs from traditional heavy metal because the lyrics are typically growled.

What song was responsible for coining the term heavy metal?

The term 'heavy metal' was first found in the 1962 novel, 'The Soft Machine' by William S. Burroughs. Answer7/13/1968 Steppenwolf release "Born to Be Wild" to the delight of bikers everywhere. The lyrics are responsible for the term "heavy metal." Judas priest. The imbraced as a term and a type of music.

What type of music do the motorhead group play?

Heavy metal

Who was the first metal group ever?

Korn is the first Nu Metal group that they were labelled as Nu Metal.

How did Nickelback form?

They started out as an Indie metal group; then Mike Kroeger moved to Vancouver and started playing with heavy metal bands, so they were a heavy metal group for a while, however, when they were growing up, they wanted to be a rock n' roll group; Today they are considered a Rock/Alternative group.

What genre is Judas priest?

Judas priest is heavy metal one of the first actually.