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I am actually in hospital from this (I did not do this on purpose), in fact, my step mom did not allow me to eat breakfast, lunch or dinner and i was not allowed to take a sip of water. It was like this for about a week. This all started 3 weeks ago and i am still in hospital. The following is the method in which i went through.

Day 1 = I was just thirsty and felt a little tired. Tried to get to food and water but was blocked by my step mum.

Day 2 = I started to feel really thirsty and sluggish. Slept in until 12:00pm.

Day 3 = I started to feel faint and nauseous. I also almost passed out 5 times throughout the entire day. At this point, my step mum was just telling me to suck it up.

Day 4 = I got back from my dads house. My mum asked me what was wrong, and i explained to her what had happened and she went off her nuts. At this point, I fainted 1 time during the day.

Day 5 = I did not get out of bed once during the day because I could barely move any of my limbs

Day 6 = I woke up in the morning and started to have trouble breathing. I could not move at all but could just talk. My mum came to check on me and I told her how I felt. She rang 000. The paramedics arrived about 10 minutes after my mum rang them. They put an IV in my arm and an oxygen mask on me. They put ice on my head to cool me down because I had a fever of 41.3 C. I was admitted to the hospital straight away. My fever came back down to 36.4 C

Day 7 = I started yo feel less nauseous and faint but later began to throw up like crazy. I felt boiling. My temperature began to rise and was at 40.9 C.

Day 8 = I passed out in the MRI whilst they were scanning my brain. I started to feel really weak and sluggish. I could not move at all.

Day 9 = My temperature was still between 40.0 C and 41.6 C. It did not go down at all.

Day 10 = Woke up with an oxygen mask, nose tube, two IV's (one in my wrist and the other in mt forearm), Ice pack over my entire body and No blanket. At this point, I was ready to kill myself.

Day 11 = I started to feel better. My fever was down to 37.2 C, I could move my limbs and I could talk a bit better. I was still feeling extremely nauseous, faint and sluggish.

Day 12 = I felt happy and wasn't feeling bad at all.

Day 13 = I started to eat foods like eggs and vegetables as well as lots of fruit and started to drink water orally.

Today = I am feeling happy and will be release tomorrow morning.

My doctor said that if I did not come in any sooner, that I literally would be dead. I had crutches 2 days due to muscle problems because my body was eating away my muscles. By the way, I am 14 and 2 months and about 5 foot 3 inches and about 47 kg. I am also a dancer.

I really hope this helped even thought it did not give you much information. Please be safe. :-)

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11y ago

you die,real ill,in hospital..

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