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Q: What instrument does alex wolf plays?
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Which instrument plays grandfather in peter and the wolf?


Does Alex Wolf love you?

Only Alex can answer this question for you. No Alex wolf does not love me !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is Alex wolf really 11?

No,Alex Wolf is only 10.

Is Alex Wolf smart?

In some peoples opinions, yes Alex Wolf is smart.

Why is Alex wolf awesome?

Alex Wolf is the Bossbabe. She is a social media coach for women.

Is Alex wolf 10?

Alex is 11 now

How old is Alex wolf 2011?

Alex Wolf from the Naked Brothers Band is 14 years old in 2011.

How do you contact Nat Wolf and Alex Wolf?

go to maime

What instrument does Alex Shelnutt play?

according to their myspace, he uses truth drums

Who plays alex rider in stormbreaker?

Alex Pettyfer plays alex rider in stormbreaker.

Nat wolf has a brother named what?

his brother's name is alex wolf

Does Nat and Alex Wolf have braces?

alex does i dont think nat does