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E flat consists of 3 flats, B flat, E flat and A flat. E flat to B flat would be a perfect 5th interval as B flat is in E flat major, but because your question was E flat to B, B is a semitone up from B flat, this would mean the interval becomes a semitone larger, and a semitone larger from a perfect interval is augmented. Therefore, the answer to your question is an augmented 5th. Hope this helps :)

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The interval from B natural to E# is an augmented fourth

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It is a perfect 5th

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Q: What interval is b to e sharp?
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The E sharp is the F note. The interval between C sharp and F (e sharp) in two whole steps.

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Diminished fourth - enharmonic to major third.

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E natural minor: E, F sharp, G, A, B, C, D natural, E E harmonic minor: E, F sharp, G, A, B, C, D sharp, E E melodic minor: E, F sharp, G, A, B, C sharp, D sharp, E, D natural, C natural, B, A, G, F sharp, E.

What is the interval from an E flat to B natural?

augmented 5th, as e flat to b flat is a perfect 5th and b is a semitone above b flat, making the interval augmented

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E F sharp G sharp A B C sharp D sharp E

What interval is e flat to b?

E-flat up to B-natural is an augmented 5th.

What are the different notes?

a flat( or g sharp),a, b flat( or a sharp), b, c flat (or b sharp), c, c sharp (or d flat), d, e flat (or d sharp), e, f flat( or e sharp), f, f sharp ( or g flat)and g.

What are the different musical?

a flat( or g sharp),a, b flat( or a sharp), b, c flat (or b sharp), c, c sharp (or d flat), d, e flat (or d sharp), e, f flat( or e sharp), f, f sharp ( or g flat)and g.

What are the different musical notes?

The musical notes are A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. Each note represents a specific pitch in music. These notes can be combined in various patterns to create melodies and harmonies.

What is the scale of B sharp major?

B sharp, C double-sharp, D double-sharp, E sharp, F double-sharp, G double-sharp, A double-sharp, B sharp.