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His name is Turkey! weird, right?

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Q: What is Blake Shelton's pet turkey's name?
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Do turkeys eat worms?

Yes, turkeys are omnivores and will eat worms as part of their diet. Worms provide protein and nutrients for turkeys, and they will actively seek out insects like worms in the wild.

Why can't my pet midget read?

your stupid blake whitney

Where is all the turkeys for action all-stars?

most in river walk pet zone and the gates

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What is the name of the president's pet?

The President pet's name is Boo

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KTLA Morning News - 1991 The AHA's 'Hero Dog Awards' with the Pet Lifestyle Coach Megan Blake was released on: USA: 5 October 2013

Where is turkeys secret room in 2012 in fantage?

First, you go to the turkey barn near the Pet Town, and there is a shelf, click it, and you're there! Hope this helps :)

what is the name of your pet?

spice, , decoy, , /Phantom.....ven

What was Otto Frank's pet's name?

Technicallly it's Peters pet, and it's name is Mouschi.

In little pet shop how do you change your name?

you go in the house on the left click on a pet it will say change pet's name

What was Annie's and Frank's pet's name?

Annie and Frank's pet's name was Sandy.

What was the name of William Shakespeare's pet?

We do not know whether he had a pet, never mind its name.