his full name is david spotlight white.. but yea don't call him david.
Langston and beebe have been fighting because Langston cheated on beebee 3 times. So Beebee and Langston was on a on and off relationship until finally on twitter Langston broke up with beebee...
Mraz is his last name Mraz is his last name
Taylor Swift's last name is Swift.Swift
Langston from GGPR's middle name is Tate.
langston's number is unknown.!
Julian Goins Spotlights name is really David. Langston Higgins DayDay iis Dashawn Blanks
No, they broke up (there's a video on YouTube)
Los Angeles, CA. Technically in Culver City, CA.
nooooo but only three of them left DayDay, Julian, and Langston and they form a group name Rangers. I'm a big fan lol :)
Langston ain't his real name, it's shad and his last name is ayeman
Corey left the group a lil while ago so now there is .. DayDay , Julian, Langston, and Spotlight
kind of a lot of people are gone now it is only day day Langston Julian and spotlight
Corey is 17 Julian is 17 Langston is 16 Spotlight is 16 Dayday is 16