

What is a floor tom?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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15y ago

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The floor tom is a piece of the traditional drum kit, that sits low and to the side of the drummer. It resonates at lower frequency than the other toms, and save possibly the kick is the lowest sounding drum of the traditional drum kit.

Hope that helps :)

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What rhymes with floor tom?

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What is the floor tom drum made from?

The floor tom can be made out of many types of wood, most commonly maple, birch, and African Mahogany.

What are the tom drums name?

The two up top are called the high and low toms. The one on the floor is not called the bass drum, but it is called the floor tom.

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What are the two small drums above the bass drum called?

The High and Medium Toms. Also the big drum that sits on the floor that is not the Bass Drum is the Low Tom or Floor Tom.

What sound does a floor tom make?

a short quiet sound

What is FT on drum tabs?

Floor tom. It is the drum that has legs on it and sits on the floor. (Not the bass drum)

Is the floor tom a part of the drum set?

It can be but it's not an absolute necessity. Most drum sets sold in packages these days come with a hi-hat, a snare, a bass drum, two tom tom drums (usually attached to the bass drum), a floor tom, and a ride cymbal and crash cymbal. That's pretty much the standard drum set for rock and pop music. The floor tom comes in handy for doing fills and "jungle beats" and stuff.

What are the names to the 4 drums on a drum set?

A simple drum kit is composed of several basic elements. The drums include the Snare drum (The one with the wires under it), the toms (The drums with out the wires but are hit with a stick, including the mounted ones and the ones that are on the floor, which are floor toms), and the bass drum(s).

How many drums are in the drum family?

there is 4 main drums that vary in sizes, the snare, the tom, the floor tom and the bass drum

How is a drums flooor tom supose to sound?

The tuning of one's own drum set is completely by personal preference. I could tell you a specific pitch to tune it to, but that is only ONE way to tune a floor tom. I personally tune my snare to a B flat, my highest tom to an F, my second tom to a D, and my floor tom to a B flat an octave below my snare. However, I suggest you play around with your floor tom and a drum key and see what sound you like best. Avoid it being so low that it sounds "flubby" or "tubby"...and, on the flip side, you don't want it to sound too high and blend in with your other toms. The purpose of a floor tom is to support the bass drum.

What type of drum do you hear in rock music?

5 piece drum set:snare, bass, floor tom, high tom, low tom, plus high hat and symbols