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Q: What is a skit musical or play called?
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A short play is called what?


What skit can 5 people can play?

family skit.............. Thu Ethan

What is difference between skit and play?

skit is shorter and may have just one or two acts, but a play is longer and can have many scenes, acts

What do you call a play with a single part?

A skit.

What is a name for a short play?

That would be a skit.

What is another word for a kids play?


Short on play?

Short play means a small skit. This is a type of play.

Is there a musical instrument starting with q?

It's not a musical, but theres a play called Quillters.

What is the point of Plays?

the point of any play- musical, play, skit, etc.- is to have u imagine the world or scene that is being put before u. like if ur school were to do the play "The Hobbit" ud have to use ur mind to keep up and imagine the dwarves and elves and the hobbit itself!

What is someone called if they play an musical instrument?

Usually, they are called a musician.

What is a theater performance called?

A play or a musical possibly.

What is short plays called?
