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The mandolin

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Q: What is a stringed musical instrument that has the word man in it?
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A stringed musical instrument with the word man in it?


What musical instruments start with man?

the mandolinThe mandolin is a musical instrument that starts with the letters 'man'.

Such a word for describing a man as vibrato-- The dictionary describes the word as a musical instrument --but I've thought I've heard it as a man's vibrato meaning ego or persona?

Maybe Bravado?

Musical instrument beginning with the letter man?

it could be a mumbo

What is a pear shaped musical instrument that starts with man?


What was the first musical instrument that god created for man?

I would have to say the voices of His angels.

What is a group of people playing a musical instrument called?

1,2,3 man band or orchestra

What did Pythagoras do in his child hood?

Pythagoras was a smart young man. It doesn't really tell you about what he did as a child. But he did play the lyre, a stringed instrument. Most Ancient Greeks played this instrument. He learned poetry and to recite Homer.

What were the first musical instruments used for?

the first instrument made was the harmonica the first instrument made by man was 60,000 years old ,which was a flute, but really the first instrument was the human voice because anything that produces sound can be served as a musical instrument The human voice! well it was kinda the birds voice because the sing to.

What does a flautist?

A flautist is a person who is able to play the Flute. The flute is one of the oldest man made musical instrument.

What does a flautist do?

A flautist is a person who is able to play the flute. The flute is one of the oldest man made musical instrument.

Where did the first musical instrument come from?

Though it requires conjecture, of course, an educated guess would be when the first man clubbed the first hollow tree and was amused by the loud "thunk". All four types of basic musical instrument sound: Percussion, string, reed and brass - predate recorded history.