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Quicksand by Bethany Joy Galeotti. "It's never too soon, It's never too late"

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The ear scene from Reservoir Dogs

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Q: What is an example of a contrapuntal music?
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Why would contrapuntal sound be used?

Contrapuntal, or counterpoint is used in music to provide an additional lyrical sound to a composition.

What is the meaning of contrapuntal?

Contrapuntal sound occurs when music and visual elements play against each other. Simply put, when they are in contrast of each other.

What is the difference between contrapuntal and homo-phonic?

Contrapuntal music uses counterpoint; the music consists of two or more melodic strands heard simultaneously. Homo-phonic music only has a single melodic line with accompaniment.

What is Contrapuntal texture?

a piece of music with 2 or more melodies (it sounds very noisy)

What is polyponic?

Polyponic is counterpoint or contrapuntal music. If one independent melody is occuring at the same time.That is called polyponic or polypony.

The Hallelujah chorus has both contrapuntal and homophonic sections?

yes it has both contrapuntal abd homophonic.

Why did the classical period composers and artists choose a more simplistic style?

Music of the Classical period is simpler only by comparison to later periods. It was in fact more developed and complex, especially in the later music of Haydn and Mozart, than anything that had come before. Earlier music tended to be written more for royal courts and upper-class salons. Classical period music was less contrapuntal, perhaps, than Baroque music had tended to be, only because that music had fallen so much out of favor, but even in that regard late Classical period music at least equaled that of the Baroque, because the example of Bach's contrapuntal mastery was studied by Classical composers. Mozart's later music reflects this study of Bach, especially in Mozart's choral works, such as the Laudate Pueri from his Solemn Vespers, K. 339.

What is the important attribute of neoclassicism why?

revival of interest in contrapuntal technique

Which contrapuntal device involves playing the melody backwards?


Musical texture that is based on counterpoint is called?

polyphony? contrapuntal? there may be others

Which is not an example of a substance mud or ink or music?


What texture has electric counterpoint got?

The clue is in the title: its texture is based on counterpoint! In other words, it has a contrapuntal texture.