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Q: What is difference significant and generalized other?
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Individuals with generalized anxiety disorder cannot pinpoint the cause of their nervous feelings, whereas individuals with phobias can.

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Domestic partners live together [ share a domocile ] . Significant others can live apart.

How does Mead used the concept generalized other to refer to?

Mead used the concept of the generalized other to refer to the collective perspective of the community or societal group that influences an individual's self-concept and behaviors. It represents the internalized expectations, norms, and values of society that individuals use to guide their interactions with others and shape their sense of self.

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The difference is not significant and other factors may intervene.

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What is significant difference?

A significant difference refers to a statistically meaningful distinction between two or more groups or variables. It implies that the difference observed is unlikely to have occurred by chance and is likely to have practical relevance. Statistical tests are used to determine if a difference is significant.

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Induction is reasoning down to a set of principles, from facts. Deduction is going from a generalized down to particulars.

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Peripheral neuropathy three types-Focal,Multifocal (mononeuropathy multiplex)and generalized (Polyneuropathy)

What is a major significant difference between the sun and Jupiter?

The difference in mass

What is generalized hyperhidrosis?

Generalized hyperhidrosis may affect the entire body