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Dukkha covers all the problems we cause ourselves in all the ways we experience them -- it is often simply translated as "suffering" but that does not cover the original meaning. In the Buddha's day it was a word that took its meaning from context and while it could simply mean suffering, it could mean specific forms of suffering (frustration, confusion, unrequited love, the burning of lust, greed, hatred, anguish), cover all forms of suffering, or in its most technical sense could mean the inherent unsatisfactoriness of our normal understanding of the world -- an understanding in which we tend to feel that what makes us happy now should give us lasting happiness.

Nirvana is the experience of a different sort of life, when, having understood the true nature of our existence, and the ways in which we make ourselves suffer through our habitual view of the world, we are able to let go of those old habits, quit clinging to those old ways of being, and live in the moment unattached to the things that make us suffer.

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