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It is a percussion instrument.

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Q: What is in common between a keyboard and a piano?
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What do a keyboard and piano have in common?

A piano has a keyboard. But is doesn't look like the keyboard on your computer.

What is the different between with piano and keyboard?

A keyboard is electric A piano is non electric

What is the difference between a piano and a clavier?

The piano is the entire instrument. The clavier is the keyboard part.

Instruments with keys?

Piano and Keyboard

Is there a difference in an electric keyboard and a keyboard?

Electric keyboard usually refers to the keyboard of an electric piano. "Keyboard" is a generic word that can refer to an electric piano, an acoustic piano, a typerwriter keyboard, a computer keyboard, etc.

How many keys keyboard and a piano?

A standard keyboard has 104 keys, while a piano typically has 88 keys.

What is the difference between an electronic organ and electronic piano?

The difference between an electronic organ and an electronic piano is in the sounds produced. Sometimes, on the higher end models, the electronic piano will have a piano touch, weighted keyboard.

What is the difference between a piano and an 88 key keyboard?

A piano and an 88 key keyboard are quite similar. They both have 88 keys. The main difference is size. The 88 key keyboard is small and portable. Most keyboards can sound pretty close to a piano but they can't quite achieve the true tone quality of a piano.

What do a banana an oboe and a piano have in common?

Both instruments create their sound by virtue of a vibrating string.

What pitch is the highest pitch in a keyboard?

C7 is the highest note in the most common piano range.

Where can you find a piano keyboard?

A the front of a piano.

Where are the white note half steps located on the piano keyboard?

between G and D