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Q: What is it called when you don't like being on your own?
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I believe that is makes you think of your own life.... But you dont have to listen to an idiot like me.... lol! But dont you agree..... With death and love..... it is perfect! (smiles)

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It is called The cake tin because the stadium look like a cake tin. I dont own this i heard this from my friends

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i dont personally but i have my own view on things...

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Ghosts are simply people that have passed away. Everyone has their own personal likes and dislikes. Tipicly, they dont like to be called ghost or spirits. they like to be called people like "them" or say there name was john, people like john. they dont usually like loud noises either.

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when i feel like i am pushing or annoying my boyfriend and let him hav a little of his own time :) then he asks me to come back.. but if you feel like your pushing him, dont panic , just lay off for a while, or ask if you are being annoying, or ask if he wants his 'own' time :DD hope you take what i do and it works.. :)) Dont Stress

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you can be a leader when you have the passion. dont use your own power to do unecessary. be hardworking. l;earn to get along with your group. they will like you. good luck for being a leader.

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women in general dont like being told what to do. we listen and try to understand where men are coming from but prefer to do things our own way in our own time.

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It is called Hemophobia, Hemo being blood, and phobia being fear.

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i dont know there are like thousands of toyotas out there. i really dont know sorry

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because its part of their own body, and it depends on how big cause some dont like the size of their own breasts

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sorry you are on your own because i dont know