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Q: What is te American name for a quaver?
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What is the American name of the note quaver?

A Quaver is an Eighth note in America.

What is another name for quaver?

A quaver is also known as a eighth note.

What is a quaver called in America?

Italian American Semi breve Whole note Minim 1/2 note Crotchet 1/4 note Quaver 1/8 note semi quaver 1/16 note :) semi demi quaver 1/36 note

What is the name of a note with three quarters of a beat?

A dotted quaver :)

What is a quaver code?

What is the quaver code

How many semi quavers are there in a semibreve?

There are 16 semiquaver beats in a semibreve.

What note is a Quaver?

A quaver is half a note.

How many beats in a single quaver?

There is 1/2 beat in a quaver, in 4/4 time. A quaver is the same as an 'eighth note' in the American notation. There are 8 quavers in a semi breve (whole note). actually the quaver is 1 beat because the semi breve is 4 beats in simple terms theres 1/2 beats in a quaver

Is a quaver silent or played?

A quaver is a played note that lasts for 1/2 a beat. Unless otherwise denoted as a quaver rest, quaver notes are played.

What does a quaver do to music?

A quaver in music is an eighth note.

What type of note is twice the length of a crotchet?

A quaver is half the length of a crotchet. A semi quaver is a quarter of a crotchet's length . A minum is double its length while a dotted minum is three times it length. A semibreve is four times the length of a crotchet.

What is the musical word to describe a rhythmic pattern of quaver crotchet quaver?

Quaver crotchet quaver, or eighth note quarter note eighth note, is a rhythmic pattern often referred to as syncopation.