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Q: What is that war song with bagpipes intro it has a name sounding like colgrun?
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Why do they use bagpipes in Scotland?

we use bagpipes because they are use full at weddings and stuff like that

What instrument sounds like bees?

Bee bagpipes.

What is the Phonetic pronunciation for libero?

Li-ber-o, with the "li" sounding like lee, and taking the emphasis; the "ber" sounding like bear; and the "o" sounding like oh.

Why you hate bagpipes?

because the bagpipes sound like what happens when an elephant sexually violates a baboon, while both are on fire, and being skinned alive by poachers that look like a cross between Gary Busey, and and George Bush Jr.

What does Bagpipes From Baghdad mean?

OK, for one, there are no bagpipes in Baghdad. They don't have them and don't use them (Bagpipes are Scottish/European). So what he's saying is that this 'ordeal' (Mariah and Nick being together) is so crazy and impossible that it's surreal that she would choose Nick over Em. Thus it's like playing bagpipes from Baghdad (Nonexistent). In a way, it doesn't make sense, just as bagpipes from Baghdad exclusively doesn't make sense.

How do you do an intro for Maine?

act like a tour guide

What are the characteristics of a bagpipe?

The bagpipes are a Scotish instrument played by a mixture of a recorder like pipe and a large bag. The recorder like part makes the notes and the bag that becomes full of air gives it its volume and sound. Some people say that if you can play a recorder, it would be much easier to learn the bagpipes.

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A moody intro like trees swaying nothing too heavy metal but just like a normal day in the world

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By sounding like a Japanese person

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Wind like when you are sleepping

What is the intro music on how to grow a planet?

the intro is John Murphy - face of the sun (or something like that) the other song is welcome home by radical face