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the frobscottle

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Q: What is the BFG favorite drink?
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What is a recipe for a phizzwizard in the bfg?

A phizzwizard is a delicious and frobscottle-flavored drink in "The BFG" by Roald Dahl. To make a phizzwizard, combine frobscottle (a bubbly drink with bubbles that go down instead of up) with your favorite flavorful ingredients like snozzcumbers or snozzberries. Serve chilled in a fancy glass and enjoy the scrumdiddlyumptious taste!

What is the name of the drink the bfg drinks?

It is called Frobscottle.

What is a frobscottle in the book the bfg?

It is a drink that the BFG drinks made up of lemon juice, water, baking soda and sugar.

What was roald dahls favorite book when he was a child?

50 shades of the BFG

What was Roald Dahl's favourite book?

the BFG

What are whizzpoppers in the BFG?

Whizzpoppers are a fictional term used in Roald Dahl's book "The BFG" to describe the sound made when the BFG breaks wind. In the story, the BFG explains that whizzpopping is a natural bodily function to release trapped air from drinking fizzy drinks.

What was Roald Dahl's favorite book?

Roald Dahl's favorite book that he wrote was, The Big Friendly Giant (The BFG).Roald Dahl also enjoyed books by Charles Dickens and Lewis Carroll.According to an interview with Puffin Books, Mr. Midshipman Easy was Roald Dahl's favorite book.

What is George Lopez's favorite drink?

His favorite drink is BEER.

What is John Battelle's favorite drink?

His favorite drink is... bourbon.

What was Billy Mays favorite drink?

His favorite drink was Sprite

What is greyson chance's favorite drink?

His favorite drink is Gatorade.