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The daughter isotope of Pu-239 is U-235.

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Q: What is the alpha decay of plutonium 239?
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What is the product of alpha decay?


To what does plutonium-239 decay when it loses an alpha particle?

Yes, plutonium-239 emits alpha particles by decay.

What is the nuclear decay equation for plutonium 239?

The first step is an alpha decay to (guess what!) uranium 235. You can probably take it from there.

What is the nuclear equation for the alpha decay of uranium 239?

Uranium-239 does NOT decay by alpha decay, it decays only by beta and gammadecay.

What kind of rays does uranium 235 and plutonium 239 release?

Plutonium 239 emit: alpha, gamma, spontaneous fission neutrons Uranium 235 emit: alpha, gamma, spontaneous fission neutrons

How is uranium-238 converted to plutonium-239?

Each isotope of plutonium has its own decay scheme. Plutonium-239 is the most widely used isotope, and it undergoes alpha decay into uranium-235 with a half-life of 2.41 x 104 years (24,100 years). A link is provided to the Wikipedia article on plutonium.

What element was made by bombarding plutonium and alpha particles?

The reaction is:Pu-239 + alpha = Cm-242 + n

What element results if four protons and four neutrons are ejected from a plutonium nucleus?

The most common isotope of plutonium is Pu-239. Ejecting four protons and four neutrons would reduce the atomic number from 94 to 90 and the mass number from 239 to 231. Element #90 is Thorium, so the answer would be Thorium-231. However, that is not an actual decay mode for Pu-239. Pu-239 decays by emitting an alpha particle (two protons and two neutrons) to Uranium-235. U-235 can then further decay by emitting another alpha particle to form Th-231.

What is the equation for the alpha decay of americium 243?

Americium-243 might undergo alpha decay to become neptunium-239, and here is that equation: 95243Am => 93239Np + 24He++ The americium-243 has undergone transmutation to become neptunium-239, and the alpha particle, which is a helium-4 nucleus, can be seen on the tail end of the equation.

What was combined with alpha particles to create curium 242?

I suppose that the isotope formed is Am-245.

What is Mass Of Plutonium 239 Atom?

PlutOnium 239 is an element - plutOnium - with an atomic weight of 239.

What are the three types of radiation emitted from plutonium?

Isotopes of plutonium emit different types of radiation. For the most common isotope, plutonium-239: alpha particles and neutrons from spontaneous fission.