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whistle meaqns to blow out some kind of air of our body when the inner air and the air outside cuts each other so the cutting forms this sound produced while whisteling and singing is when we blow out the sound from our throat. THANKS FOR INVOLVING ME IN THE ANSWER.

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Singing is when you use real words and whistling is when you make a hard sound by a whistle

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Q: What is the difference between whistling and singing?
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What is the difference about whistling and singing?

The difference is even though they produce sound and music, singing is when you bring noise vibrationase~

How are whistling and singing the same?

well they both have a beat to them but singing is words whisting is kindove a beat more like a soubnd but no they are not the same

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Singing is to make musical sounds with the voice. Communication is making a message to anyone.

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Dogs are very sensative to it so I think it might hurt their ears. But who knows maybe they could be singing :)

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