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Q: What is the element piece together to create a theme in music?
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What is FruityLoops?

It is a piece of software that you can create electronic music with.

What composing mean?

Composing means to bring multiple things together into one thing. For example, by composing music, you are bringing multiple rhythms together to create a musical piece.

Is time a musical sound?

Time is not a sound at all. Time is an element of music, a necessary component of any piece of music and any piece of performance art.

The parts of music that music is made up of?

hi, music is made up of six concept's: duration, structure, dynamics, pitch, tone colour and texture. duration is the long and short parts in a piece of music structure is the sections in a piece of music and how there put together dynamics are the loud and soft parts in a piece of music pitch is the high and low sounds in a piece of music tone colour is the instruments or vocals in a piece of music and how there played texture is the layers of sound in a piece of music i hope that helps you :)

What is rhythm hook?

A rhythm hook is a distinctive and catchy rhythmic pattern or motif that serves as a memorable and recurring element in a piece of music. It often helps to establish the groove, drive the song forward, and create a sense of unity within the composition.

What is aleatoric music by john cage?

Aleatoric music is a type of music where some part of the composition is left to chance. John Cage is credited with being the first to create this type of music with his piece 'Music of Changes.'

When 2 people play a piece of music together it is called a?

A duet

Why is it important to study music terms and symbols?

It can help you to understand how the composer intended the piece to be played, and also allows you to create your own styles around a piece of music. In a composed piece of your own, it can allow others to understand your own thoughts, and increases achievement greatly

What is a musical motif?

A motif is a small musical idea. It's generally repeated throughout a piece of music and can be sequenced (moved up and down in pitch).

What name do you give the tiniest piece of element?

the smallest piece of an element is called an atom

What does recompence mean?

The meaning of recomp depends on which state you need it in. It is usually short for "recomposition" and cane be used in music, bodybuilding, technical work, or other things. It is basically a change. For example, in music it is when you create a new piece of music from an original piece and in bodybuilding it is reconditioning or building muscles.

What is the meaning of co-writer?

One of a team of usually two writers who work together to create a piece of writing.