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Same as B-flat.

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Q: What is the fingering for a sharp on the baritone?
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What is fingering on b sharp?

B sharp is the same as C natural. Of course the fingering depends on what instrument you are playing!

What is the fingering for A sharp on the trumpet?

On a standard Bb trumpet, the fingering for A# is 1.

What is the fingering for C sharp on the recorder?

The fingering is: Thumb on hole at the back, and 3rd finger on 2nd hole.

What is the high e sharp fingering on the trumpet?

E-sharp is the same as F-natural.

What is the fingering for E sharp on a cornet?

E sharp is F natural, so, 1st valve.

What is the flute fingering for an A sharp?

A sharp is also known as B flat. A sharp in the staff is Left: T 1 Right: 1. There is also an alternate fingering Left: left Thumb key and 1. Same fingering for A sharp above the staff. High A sharp is Left: T Right: 1 and first trill key (small keys between the normal 1-2 and 2-3).

What is the fingering for d sharp on a trumpet?

d sharp right above middle C is the same as Eb -- 2/3; the D sharp above that is 2.

A flat on alto sax?

a flat is the same thing as g sharp. you play it with the one, two, and three finger keys down and the top spatula key, or the top key you play with your left pinky.

My primo passagio is at D4 and my second passagio is at F4 sharp My range is around A2 to A4 I'm male My timbre is kind of dark and heavy Am I a tenor baritone baritenor?

From all the hings you have said you are most likely a tenor baritone baritone. This is for someone that lifts weights.

What is the fingering for g sharp on a trumpet?

A double-sharped note is just raised two half-steps from the original note. So if you have A##, the first sharp would go to A#, which is the same as B-flat, and the second sharp would be the A##, which is the same as B-natural.

What is a baritone hornist?

A baritone hornist is a person who plays the baritone horn.

Are you baritone?

Yes, I am Baritone, but I am also bass.