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Q: What is the first response to chest pain and dizziness?
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Chest pain and dizziness?

Heart attack?

What are the symptoms of chest pain?

There are different health problems that has a chest pain symptoms. Shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness or nausea, pressure or tightness of breath are the symptoms of chest pain

What are the usual angina symptoms?

Angina symptoms include chest pain or discomfort, pain in your arms, neck, jaw, shoulder or back accompanying chest pain, nausea, fatigue, shortness of breath, sweating, dizziness.

Want can cause dizziness palpitations and moderate chest pain?

heart attack, panic attack, or low blood sugar.

Do allergies cause chest pain?

Yes, allergies can cause chest pain. If a person inhales an allergen into the mid-lower respiratory system (throat/lungs) and that allergen causes an allergic response such as swelling then there is the potential for chest pain to occur. But, keep in mind that unresolved chest pain should be evaluated by a physician as soon as possible; this could be chest pain relating to a heart attack and not an allergic response. One way to tell the difference: if the pain gets worse when you inhale and exhale or push down on your chest...then its probably not a heart attack, but if the chest pain remains unchanged with pressing down or inhaling/exhaling is more then likely to be related to the heart and might need quick treatment.

What is dizziness and belly pain a symotom of?

Dizziness and belly pain can be caused by dehydration and anxiety.

How common is supra ventricular tachicardia?

Supraventricular tachycardia is not uncommon. It is accelerated heart rate with symptoms that include palpitations, chest pain, dizziness, and dyspnea.

What is cardiopulmonary distress?

Cardiopulmonary distress can refer to a number of different symptoms. These include palpitations, chest pain, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, and cardiac arrest.

Other then chest pain, what are other common angina symptoms?

Symptoms for angina other than chest pain include a sense of weight or pressure on the chest (often described as squeezing or fullness), shortness of breath, nausea, pain in the arms, neck, shoulders, back, or jaw (if it accompanies chest pain), fatigue, sweating, and dizziness. Unstable angina (angina that occurs for the first time, at unpredictable times, while at rest, is more severe than normal, or does not respond to angina medicine) is a medical emergency and might signal a heart attack - get to the emergency room immediately!

Who was the soldier in small pain in my chest?

The soldier in Small Pain in My Chest is the first Blackhawk helicopter pilot who was shot down in Iraq.

Where can I find the signs of a heart attack online?

Signs for heart attacks include; dizziness, nausea, chest pain, double vision, weariness, headaches and pain. Consult a doctoral website for symptoms list.

Does dairy give you chest pain?

dairy does not usually give you chest pain but, if you have some allergies you will get chest pain but naturally no you will not get chest pain