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E# is the same as F natural, so it would be the first valve only. E# and F natural are in-harmonic, which means they are the same note, just written differently.

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Q: What is the french horn fingering for e sharp?
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What is the fingering for e natural in french horn?

Open. no valve pressed down.

What is the high e sharp fingering on the trumpet?

E-sharp is the same as F-natural.

What is the fingering for E sharp on a cornet?

E sharp is F natural, so, 1st valve.

What is the fingering for d sharp on a trumpet?

d sharp right above middle C is the same as Eb -- 2/3; the D sharp above that is 2.

What is the fingering for the E Major scale on the Tenor Horn?

1&2,2,2&3,1&2,2,0,1,0 that is one octave ascending

Is a marching French horn the same as a regular French horn?

No. A marching french horn, also called a mellophone, has a shape more like a trumpet with a large bell facing forward. A "regular" french horn has the bell facing backwards. You use your left hand to play the french horn and your right hand to play the mellophone. Fingering also changes to that identical to a trumpet, or a B-flat Horn (the E's and D's are fingered differently). Some mellophones are made to be used with a trumpet (cornet) mouthpiece, but there are adapters you can use to use your horn mouthpiece. Other mellophone are made to be used only with a horn mouthpiece.

What is the fingering for g sharp on a trumpet?

A double-sharped note is just raised two half-steps from the original note. So if you have A##, the first sharp would go to A#, which is the same as B-flat, and the second sharp would be the A##, which is the same as B-natural.

How do i finger a marching french horn versus a regular french horn?

The actual name for the "marching F-Horn" is a Mellophone. The fingerings are identical to that of a trumpet. On a Horn, you finger the E open and the D first. On a Mellophone (marching horn) the E is first and second, and the D is first and third.

What is the fingering for C flat on French horn?

The C scale for horns has no sharps or flats in the key signature, so starting on low C, the fingerings are: C (open), D (1), E (open), F (1), G (open), A (1 2), B (2), C (open) Concert C would be the G scale for horns, which means it has one sharp in the key signature. Starting on low G, the fingerings are: G (open), A (1 2), B (2), C (open), D (1), E (open), F# (2), G (open). The fingerings on both are for a single French horn.

What is the fingering for E on the trumpet?

On a standard Bb trumpet, the fingering for C is open.

What is the order of the sharps on the French horn?


What are the fingerings for the F flat scale on french horn?

An Fb scale on the horn is the same as the E scale!! Crazy, huh? Hope this helps!! =)