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Q: What is the largest drum in the samba band?
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What is the largest samba drum?

its a gatune xx

How Do You Play A Samba Drum?

They are played with the hands.

What is the main samba drum called?

There are two main Samba drums, The deep booming bass drum is named a Surdo. The slightly more high pitched load drum is called a Tamborim

Who is in charge of a samba band?

you are

How do you play a Surdo drum?

a Brazilian drum that is used for samba music

What are the functions of the surdo and apito in samba music?

The sudo's function is to introduce the pulse and the rhythm for the entire band and the Apitos function is to lead the band.

What country did samba music come from?

samba music comes from brazil and parts of africa

What is a samba band?

Samba drums come from Brazil. Congas do not come from Brazil and are not samba drums. Samba drums include surdos, caixas, repiniques, chocalhos, ganzas, repiniques, agogos, pandeiros and cuicas. You can find out more about all of these by clicking on the related link below.

What instruments are in samba music?

The most important instrument in a band is the one that sets pitch. Pitch tends to be set by keyboard, be it piano or the synthesizer of rock bands. But some bands may not have keyboard. A rock band without keyboard sets pitch by its lead guitarist. Its drumplayer sets the secondary and tertiary concerns of rhythm and tempo. A strictly brass band sets pitch by its most important instrument, the trumpet. A strictly military band sets pitch by the oboe. A strictly string band sets pitch by the first violin.

What is a Brazilian battería?

A Brazilian bateria is the drum section of a Samba school. The word bateria also means a drum kit, and also a battery.

What is a drum signal?

a drum signal is when the drummer of a band ques the rest of the band to come .

What's the best rock band drum kit for the Xbox?

Ion Audio Drum Rocker Rock Band Drum Set.