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The last sharp in the circle of fifths is a B#.

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Q: What is the last sharp called?
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Related questions

Can an A flat be called a double sharp or flat or not?

an a flat only can be called an a flat There is no double sharp equivalent, but it is the same as G sharp.

What was the last piece of prokofiev music he wrote called?

The last composition that Sergey Prokofiev completed was his Symphony no. 7 in C-sharp minor, in 1952 (the year before his death).

What is a sharp turn called?

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Can g sharp or a flat be called a double sharp of double flat?

no, g sharp is the only "landlocked" note, which means it can only be called g sharp or a flat, not any double sharps or double flats.

How do you find a sharp key signature?

Go up a half-step from the last sharp in the key signature.

What are the rule for placing the do in the sharp keys?

In major 'sharp' keys, you find the key by counting up one line or space from the last sharp, e.g is the last sharp is D-sharp, the key is E major.For minor keys it is a little bit different, if you have 3 or more sharps you count the THIRD TO LAST sharp in the key (e.g if you have 5 sharps, and F-sharp is the third-to-last sharp, the key is going to be G-sharp minor. For minor keys with less than three sharps, you subtract three sharps from the major key. B major has 5 sharps, whilst B minor has only two, so five minus three equals two.I hope this answers your question.

What is a note which is neither sharp nor flat called?

A note which is neither sharp nor flat is called natural.A natural

What is a sharp pyramid called?


What is the sharp structure called in a sponges body?

They are called spiracles

Are striped bass teeth sharp?

yes its teeth are called needle teeth they are pretty sharp

What are peacock's claws called?

sharp things

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