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Q: What is the lowest family in an orchestra?
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Which brass instrument is the lowest commonly found in the orchestra?

The tuba is the lowest in the brass family.

string famly lowest to highest?

The members of the string family, from the highest to the lowest, are the violin, the viola, cello and bass. Without the strings you would no longer have an orchestra, you would have a band, The string family, as a unit, can play the very highest notes and the very lowest.

The lowest instrument in the orchestra is the?


What is the largest family in the orchestra?

The largest family in the orchestra is the string family.

What is the lowest string?

Well orchestra, bass open E is the lowest

What family is at the back of the orchestra?

The percussion family is at the back of the orchestra.

Why is the orchestra laid out as it is?

the orchestra is laid out like this because the string family comared to the percission family are a lot higher in picth. this is the orchestra prdictied: the string family the woodwind the brass and the pecussion

What is in the orchestra is the largest brass instrument with the lowest pitch?


What orchestra family is the timpani in?

It Belongs to the Percussion family. It also a Membranophone and a Pitched Percussion

Where does the percussion family sit in a orchestra?

Generally at the back of the orchestra.

What are the stalls in a theater?

Stalls are otherwise knows as Orchestra Stalls or Orchestra Seats. They are the lowest seating section of the theatre and closest to the stage.

Which family has the most members in the orchestra?

The String section has the most members in the orchestra.