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Q: What is the name of an Egyptian musical instrument with 2 strings and played like a violin?
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What is the national instrument of china?

The national instrument of China is called the Guzheng. This instrument has three sound holes, 21 musical strings, and is played by hand.

What instrument is played from a keyboard and hammers hit the strings causing the sound to be produced?

This musical instrument is called Piano.

How are guitars used today?

The guitar is a musical instrument with six strings that are played to produce chords and/or melodies.

What determines the sound of a musical instrument?

The way that it is played. A guitar is played by vibration of the strings and a trumpet is played by buzzing into the mouthpiece and so they sound different.

What is a kutibeng musical instrument?

A kutibeng is a small guitar-like instrument with 5 strings, native to the Philippines. Most were handmade and slightly larger than an ukelele.

How does one play the Pipa a Chinese instrument?

The pipa is a four-stringed Chinese musical instrument. It is played by plucking the strings much like how one might play a guitar. The name "pipa" originated from the Chinese words describing how the instrument is played.

What musical instruments are played in daughters?

The musical instrument that is played in daughters is their voice!

What is pateteg instrument?

pateteg is an musical instrument that is played by a stick

What is the national musical instrument of Iran?

The santur is the national musical instrument of Iran.The santur is a Hammered dulcimer, trapezoidal-shaped with 72 strings and two sets of bridges, hit with mallets. It is of Persian origin and has strong resemblances to the Indian santoor.

Who played a musical instrument?

A lot of people play musical instruments. :)

What are the instrument played by the strings?

In an orchertra, the strings instruments are the violin, viola, chelo and the double bass. The piano has strings but it is not classified as a string intrument. It is a keyboard instrument such as the spinet, clavichord and the organ.

What instrument were played in Shrek the musical?
