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Q: What is the name of the song that DJ Smurf made using the sample sailing?
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How was the girl smurf get made when theres supposed to only have boys from the movie smurfs?

Smurfette was created by Gargamel to trick the other Smurfs, but Papa Smurf then made her into a real Smurf.

Is Gutsy an old Smurf?

If you mean he was in the actual TV show, then no. The made Gutsy smurf just for the movie.

Are you a smurf?

Nope. I am a llama made of gellatin.

Where did mamma Smurf go?

there is was no motherthere's no girl smurfs except that other girls smurfthat girl smurf was made from that guy and i didn't wright that guys name because i don't know how to spell it or pronounce it and what i was wright was that guy made that only girl smurf and she was supposed to work for him

Where can you find the smurf village?

smurfs is a made up game it does not exist!

What is a sailing dinghy made of?

A sailing dinghy is made of glass-fiber reinforced plastic (GRP). Basically, plastic.

How was smurfette created?

Smurfette was created by Gargamel (the creepy old guy) because he wanted to trick a smurf into his lair ,so he made a girl smurf named smurfette. Also Smurfettes hair was originally black but she wanted to be a real smurf so bad that Papa smurf did multiple experiments that's how her hair is blonde. Yet she is not the only girl Smurfette got lonely being the only girl so Papa smurf made another girl. I forgot what her name is though..

What exactly does rope sailing mean?

"Rope sailing," also known as "sailing rope" refers to all the different types of things made out of rope that are used in sailing. It can include long lengths of rope or small buckles made with small lengths of rope.

What is a wooden sailing dinghy made of?

A sailing dinghy is made of glass-fiber reinforced plastic (GRP). Basically, plastic.

What Smurf does smurfette love?

She loves all of the Smurfs as her family, but Brainy, Clumsy, & Gutsy (especially Brainy) all have a crush on her, like, as a girlfriend. Now, she is starting to like Clumsy. Besides, she is not really their sister, right? Gargamel made her out of clay with black hair to attract & eventually trap the Smurfs, instead of being delivered by a stork just like the others, but Papa saved her & cast a special spell, making her the Smurf she was meant to be. In addition, she has a little sister named Sassette, who was also created by Gargamel. And Papa Smurf has two parents.

Name two sailing inventions that made the age of exploration possible?

The two sailing inventions that made the Age of Exploration possible were Caravel, and the Galleon.

What were some of the advances that the potuguese made in sailing under prince henrys leadership?

why were some of the advances that the portuguese made in sailing under Prince Henrys leadership