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Decomp, or decomposition, nice ways of referring to rotting.

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Q: What is the natural breakdown of organic matter called?
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Is the breakdown of organic matter in the presence of oxygen mineralization?

It is Respiration

How does fungi get its energy?

From the breakdown and absorption of organic matter. Detritus, actually.

What is the process of detrifying?

The breakdown of organisms into large pieces of organic matter (detritus)

Is dirt organic?

Yes, dirt is organic. Dirt may be defined as a mixture of clay, humus, sand, and stone. Humus serves as the key ingredient as the end-product of the natural breakdown of dead, decayed, and decaying animal and plant matter.

What's organic matter?

Organic matter is composed of biodegradable and natural materials such as soil, plants, and animal byproducts.

Organic matter in soil is also called .?

The formation of complex organic matter in soil is called Humus

What process is associated with long term cycling of matter through the biosphere?

The breakdown of organic material by decomposers.

The warm temperatures and high humidity of rain forests contribute to rapid breakdown of organic matter?


What is the decaying organic matter is soil called?

Decaying organic matter in the soil is called humus. When it is added to the soil deliberately, it is called compost.

Why does soil need organic matter?

Aeration, moisture infiltration and percolation, and nutrient availability and retention are reasons why soils need organic matter. Dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient-rich organic matter comes from the natural breakdown of carbon- and nitrogen-rich dead, decomposing, dying animal and plant matter in soils. Organic matter facilitates the formation of air and water pore spaces, the defenses against over-draining and water-logging, and the dispersion of macro- and micro-nutrients for soil food web members such as plant roots.

What is an natural material that was once part of a living organism?

organic matter

Which is Persentag of organic matter in watermelon?

Watermelon varies from 92% to 95% water. They are about 93% water.