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Q: What is the newer music video of a homeless man building things from old electronics and then finding a superman costume in the dumpster?
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The Superman jumped from the building--what is the passive form of the sentence?

Simple: The building was jumped from by the superman. :-)

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Superman win ,war could not stand chance against him,if superman is capable of takin 1000000tone of building and he recharge his power from the sun comon just superman is weak against the jewel in green

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111 Westminster St. was built as the offices of Bank of America.

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In the same fictitious world where a nine hundred thousand story building existed certainly Superman can jump over it and land on the other side unhurt.

What building does Superman jump over in a single bound in the fifties TV show?

The Dailey Planet

Can Superman jump 12 feet?

Of course. He can leap an entire building & fly so what's 12 feet.

If Superman was going to leap over the world's tallest building over which one would he be leaping?

Taipei 101, Taiwan.

All versions of Superman?

utimate superman (strongest) superman prime one million superman prime superboy prime sowrd of superman cosmic armor superman all star superman sun dipped superman aplopit cyborg superman evil cyborg superman cyborg superman steel superman modern age blue superman eradicator superman red/blue ultraman bizzoro ad superman ga superman sa superman green latern superman pre crisis superman (weakest)

Order of Superman based on how powerfull they are?

ultimate superman (strongest) superman prime one million superman prime super man with sowrd of superman tough robot superman all star superman cosmic super man silver superman pre crisis superman normal superman (weakest)

What movie titles include the word Superman?

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