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blue blue green yellow yellow red blue green

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Q: What is the pattern for the reed flute on poptropica?
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Related questions

What is the difference between a double reed and flute?

flute has no reed

Is a flute a double reed or a single reed?

a Flute does not have a reed so it's neither a single or double reed instrument.

How do you open the door for minotaur in poptropica?

when you get to the door play this on your reed pipe (flute) and it will open :blue-blue-green-yellow-yellow-red-blue-green

What is the pattern for the flute in poptropica?

The pattern for the reed pipe on Poptropica is Blue, Green, Yellow, Blue, Red, Green. This song will put Cerberus to sleep so you can get his whisker! The song to open the entrance to the labrinyth is Blue, Blue, Green, Yellow, Yellow, Red, Blue, Green. This song can also be found on the flower on the entrance. Hope this helps! -Rainbow Dash! :D

Is the Flute played by using a Reed?

nope but depends on what type of flute he/she is playing

Where do you get the flute on Poptropica?

the music temple

What has single reed in a woodwind family?


What woodwind instrument requires no reed?

A flute

What woodwind instrument does not requier a reed?


Does the woodwind family include the flute?

The flute is generally classified as a woodwind, although it is distinct in that it is the only major woodwind that does not have a reed. Other woodwinds include the oboe (double reed), clarinet (single reed) and saxophone (single reed).

What two woodwind instruments don't use a reed?

Flutes and Piccolos don't use reeds. Also for E.C., an oboe doesn't use a reed either. :)

Why isn't there any sound or music in Poptropica?

In order to minimize the download times from the servers, there is little sound on Poptropica. The exceptions include the reed pipe (flute) on Mythology Island, the phonograph recording on Time Tangled Island, and some limited sound effects.