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Q: What is the ray defined?
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Is a ray a defined term?

Yes it is

Is the term ray defined?

A ray is a line that has an originating point, but no end.

A straight line extending from a point?

You just defined a ray. ■

Does a ray have hundreds of endpoints?

A ray is defined as having an origin but no endpoint (unless you count the origin as an endpoint, in which case it has 1).

What is the geometric definition of a ray?

Strictly speaking, a "ray" is in the family of lines and line segments. A line is defined as a one-dimensional object of infinite length with no well-defined endpoints (since "infinity" isn't a well-defined value). It's the 1-D analogue to a plane or a space. A line segment is the finite equivalent of a line. A ray is a bit stranger: it's infinite in length, but has one well-defined end-point, where the ray originates. They show up a lot in classical optics because if nothing interrupts it, a light ray is created at some point and then continues forever.

What is a ray of sunlight?

A ray of sunlight is defined as 'a narrow beam of light' and is used to describe a small line or individualÊstream of sunlight.ÊA ray of sunlight is usually seen as multiple rays of sunlight not just one.Ê

Why is a ray defined?

Ray means each of the lines in which light and heat seem to stream from the sun or a body which is luminous, or pass through an opening which is often small.

What is a line that has a straight line and is endless?

parallel ~ Actually, all lines are straight and endless. A ray has one endpoint, is straight, and the other end of the ray is endless. A segment has a defined beginning and end, and is straight.

Which is longest a ray line or line segment?

A ray line is longer, since it has an end point and then extends forever in the other direction its length is infinite, whereas a segment has a definite length defined by two endpoints.

What is the meaning of ill-defined right middle lobe opacity on a chest xray?

chest x-ray shows a questionable right basilar opacity

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