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Q: What is the real reason why Ringo left Beatles for 2 weeks and then went back?
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Who sang Get Back by the Beatles because I always thought it was Ringo but Paul wrote the song?

Paul sang it.

Who played the drums in The Beatles?

Mostly Ringo Starr. Ringo replaced Pete Best who was fired in 1962. Jimmy Nicol covered for Ringo's illness for eleven days in 1964. For the odd track, Paul McCartney played the drums: most famously Back in the USSR.

Who was the drumer ofthe beatles?

when the beatles first formed it was pete best who was the drummer, for some reason there are many speculations, but no one really knows pete best was taken out of the lineup and replaced by Ringo Starr

Did george Harrison play drums?

No, John Lennon was the singer and rhythm guitar for The Beatles Ringo claims that the other three were all frustrated drummers, but only Paul had the skills to compete with Ringo.

Is Ringo from the beatles a good drummer?

No. Not all of their songs featured drums or percussion, especially in the later years. Paul McCartney played drums on a few Beatles tracks, and replaced Starr's drumming on one of his "White Album" songs; Starr was upset, but let it go.

Who was the original bassist for The Beatles?

Tommy Moore; he went with them on their first professional tour, backing singer Johnny Gentle in Scotland. (He quit after they got back.) Pete Best was their next regular drummer; he joined in August 1960.

Who first recorded the Beatles?

Their first recording as the Beatles was made at a record-your-voice booth in a Hamburg railway station, backing a singer named Wally; only a few copies were made. (This was the first time Ringo Starr recorded with them.) Former Beatles manager Allan Williams lent his copy to Ringo Starr later, but never got it back. Their first professional recordings as the Beatles were produced by Bert Kaempfert, for Polydor Records in Germany, backing singer Tony Sheridan during 1961. (Best played drums for these sessions.)

Which instrument did Ringo sterr play?

I don't know a Ringo Sterr, but I do know a Ringo Starr, a Ringo Stirr, a Ringo Storr, a Ringo Sturr, and sometimes a Ringo Styrr. Ringo Starr mainly played the drums. The others just sing back up.

Did the Beatles quit in a studio?

Ringo and George "quit" on separate occasions during studio sessions. Ringo quit after hearing Paul's drum overdubs on "Back in the USSR". Paul overdubbed his own drum track over Ringo's, and Ringo was not at all pleased. George got fed up at one "Let It Be" session, packed up his guitar, and walked out, saying: "See you around the clubs." John turned to Paul and asked, "Do ya think Eric Clapton is available?" The Beatles DID discuss the breakup at their Apple offices when John announced that he "wanted a divorce." The group agreed to keep the news private because at the time they were negotiating for a new contract with EMI over royalties.

Who sang the song get back?

a beatles song from 1970?

What happened to all the members of The Beatles?

Technically no Beatles members quit. The original lineup was Paul, George, John, Pete Best, and Stuart Sutcliffe, however Sutcliffe passed away. Pete Best was technically "kicked out" of the band for not following the path they wanted to go into.

Who was the Beatle that never was?

I belive you are reffering to Pete Best. Back when the Beatles were not even twenty, one John, Paul, and George were in the band. Eventually, they got a drummer-Pete Best. On a tour in Hamburg, they met Richard Starkey (Ringo Starr) who was playing with a different Band at the time. After a while, Ringo replaced Pete Best as drummer.