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It's not a major, it's a minor. The relative minor of B major is G# minor.

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Q: What is the relative major of B major?
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What are the relative minors for the B major scale?

A flat minor is the relative minor of B major

What is the relative minor to B major?

G# minor

What scale has g sharp in?

A major, E major, B major, F# major, C# major, and all their relative minors.

What is b minor related to?

The relative major key of B minor is D major. It has a key signature of F# and C# and a raised 7th of A#.

What is the answer to g minor relative major?

The relative major is determined by two steps: counting three half steps higher and writing as an enharmonic equivalent using the name of three white notes above. In this case, three half steps higher yields A#/Bb. Counting three notes higher gives B. Therefore the key signature is equivalent to that of B flat major.

What is the relative key of g major?

If I understand your question correctly: G minor has two flats, as does B flat major.

What are relative major and minor?

Relative major and minor share the same key signature but a different tonic note (a tonic note is the first note of the scale or in solfege tonic is DO). For example, D flat major has five flats in it's key signature and b flat minor has 5 flats in it's key signature; therefore, D flat major and b flat minor are relative.

Where is do on music paper?

'Do' is a relative note. It is the home note of a key. For example if the key is A major or minor, 'do' is A. If the key is B, then 'do' is B, etc.

How many flats are in g minor?

There are two flats, B flat and E flat. It is the relative minor for B flat Major.

What is the relative major key of g minor?

If I understand your question correctly: G minor has two flats, as does B flat major.

What is the relative minor of Gb major?

F# minor is relative to A major, so Gb minor is essentially the same, although they're probably looking for B double flat major or something useless like that.

How many flates dose f major have in its keys?

F Major has a relative minor key of D Minor and has the key if B Flat.