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Isn't that "Scentless Apprentice" by Nirvana?

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Q: What is the song playing in jacks car in the 2007 season ending episode of Lost?
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In which cheers episode does cliff accidentally swallow the whistle while eating cracker jacks?

Season 9, Episode 19 entitled "It's a Wonderful Wife."

What does the so and ns rings stand for in sons of anarchy?

Season 3 began with episode named "SO" and ended with episode named "NS". The first episode made you think it was just the word "So", as in "So what" or "So, what's next?".At the end, Jacks puts his "SN" ring in front of his fathers ring that read "SO". If put in original order, they would spell "SONS", but Jacks is making a statement that things are "backwards" with "The Sons".I would imagine that the rings could have a larger unity than just Jacks to his father. Like in the Lord of the Rings. Perhaps all the founding members have two letters that spell out "SONS OF ANARCHY", or at least Jacks' father had a single set of two rings that when put on two neighboring fingers spelled "SONS"...common bling for bikers and bling wearers alike.It doesn't tell us any of this, you have to just figure it out much like The Sopranos ending.

Does two queens beat two jacks and an ace?

What game are you playing.

How many Jacks are in a standard deck of playing cards?

There are four jacks in a standard deck of 52 playing cards. There is a jack in each suit: spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs. Each jack has a different appearance and is in a different pose.

What beats two aces and two jacks with a kicker?

You need to specify what game you're playing

How many jacks eyes can be seen on a pack of playing cards?

depends on what style of card

What are 6 workouts to do before and after playing a sport?

pushups,situps,jumping jacks,toilets,squats,plugens.

What are jacks and their functions?

Jacks are for lifting or raising things. They can be screwed jacks or air jacks, or most commonly, hydraulic jacks.

What is the rules for playing jacks?

You toss the ball in the air,wait for it to bounce and then catch it before it hits the ground. Then you do the same thing but pick up 2 jacks then three then four and so on and so forth.

What is a royal card in a deck of playing cards?

A royal card in a deck of playing cards would include the face cards including Jacks, Queens, and Kings.

In which episode does Hawkeye play the made up game cranko?

Season 6, episode 18, "Your Hit Parade. The game is a combination of chess, checkers, poker and gin rummy. Here are some of the rules: -a checker can't be kinged (like in checkers) -if it's in check (chess) and a player has a gin hand, both players have to drink from the distillery -bishops are worth three jacks -checkers are wild -have to be 21 or over to open

What is jacks reactions?

jacks reaction to what?