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Q: What is the song that goes just hold your head above water and don't forget to breath?
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How does a starfish breath above water?

I dont know and somebody NEEDS to answer this NOW!

Do axolotls have to breathe above water?

yes axioltls breath air well my does so dont fill the tank to much that it cant come up to breath

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they dont breath in water they have to keeep on coming out of the water to breath

Why do you get out of breath when you drink water?

Because you dont breath when you drink water

How do humans breath under water?

we dont

How do crocidiles breath under water?

they dont breath under water the just hold it and come up for air

Do you have to hold your breath under water?

um i dont think so?

How do sea monkeys get oxygen?

they dont they are fish they breath under water

How can frog's breath under water and on land?

because they have nose sdo when they go in the water arter a little bit they will come cop and and breath then go back under the water.And when they are on land they dont need to come up and breath they can just breath on dry land.

Why fish will die if you pulled out of the water?

they dont have respiratory systems like we do, they have gills. They can only breath in liquid water environments

Where do frogs breath from?

They have small nostrils that they breath out of. _______________________________________________________________________ Yes, they breathe from tiny nostrils above their mouths, like the person said above me, but for a more specific answer, I would say that they breathe from lungs because not every animal has lungs.

Why do shark sink when they die?

because sharks have to swim to breath so if they dont swim then they dont breath causeing them to sink and die. because sharks have to swim to breath so if they dont swim then they dont breath causeing them to sink and die.