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Q: What is the technique of using two or more tonal centers at the same time?
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The technique of using two or more tonal centers at the same time is called?

I think it's polytonality.

What are three divisions of tonal range?

0, 2, 5 There are seven more

What does tonal music require?

One note to be more stable than any other.

What is the purpose of using the SR2 technique?

To retain information from reading assignments more effectively

What is layering in music?

layering is when you add more and more layers of different instruments on top of each other, creating a more tonal, diminished sound.

Why do designers use tonal shading?

they use tonal shading to help make the drawing look more 3D, plus they use this shading to contrast the bouncing of light on the sides of the figure.

Explain what is technique?

A TECHNIQUE is a particular method of doing an activity, usually a method that involves practical skills... The tests performed using a new TECHNIQUE... Synonyms - method, way, system, approach more synonyms of TECHNIQUE... OR A TECHNIQUE is a method of doing some task or performing something... Ur TECHNIQUE for openin drinks might be to twist the top off with your teeth... So your dentist better have a good tooth-repair TECHNIQUE... The noun TECHNIQUE can also refer to smone's skillfulness with the fundamentals of a particular task...

What is the meaning of dramatic chiaroscuro in art history?

In the Renaissance, "Chiaroscuros" was invented as a drawing technique using coloured paper, where the artist worked from the paper's base tone towards light using white. From this light and dark technique was developed further to become a technique which is characterised by strong, bold contrasts between light and darkm affecting a whole composition making the composition more 'dramatic'.

How do you achieve more public athletic centers in our communities?

how we achieve more public athletic centers in our communities is stop spending all the taxes dallors to build new roads that is fine and build more schools and athletic centers

How did Georges Seurat make his paintings more brilliant and colorful by using a technique called pointillism?

It is where two brushstrokes of contrasting colurs are applied together.

What does a linen-swagged bed mean?

A linen swagger bed will be draped in linen, more than likely in layers using a technique called swag.

Where can I find more information on medical centers in florida?

There are numerous medical centers in Florida. You can contact the Florida Department of Health for more information.