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klangfarbenmelodie is the term given. It literally means 'tone colour melody'

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Q: What is the term given to Schoenberg's technique of moving the melodic parts rapidly through the different instruments?
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How do play percussion instruments?

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What are the minor scales of the saxophone?

all instruments have the same minor scale.... actually they all have the same scales whether they be minor, major, melodic... etc. scales are not instrument specific but rather mode specific. there are also three different types of minor scales.

How do you put melodic in a sentence?

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When ascending, the melodic minor scale has a raised 6th and 7th scale degree, but those two notes are lowered when descending.

When was Melodic Excursions created?

Melodic Excursions was created in 1982.

When A melodic idea is presented by one voice or instrument and then restated immediately by another voice or instrument the technique is called what?

If it is exactly the same the second time then it is imitation. If it is more a question and answer then it is antiphony.