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Q: What is the texture of a single melodic line without accompaniment?
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The texture of a single melody played without accompaniment is?

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What is the musical texture of the Kyrie?

It has a monophonic texture because it consists of a single melodic line. It has no harmony.

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Contrapuntal music uses counterpoint; the music consists of two or more melodic strands heard simultaneously. Homo-phonic music only has a single melodic line with accompaniment.

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What is the word used to describe a single person singing without accompaniment?

Solo acapella. Sorry, that is two words . . .

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Early Greek music was predominantly monophonic, with a single melodic line sung or played without harmony or accompaniment. It featured modes or scales known as the Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, and Mixolydian, which were believed to evoke different emotional responses. Instruments used included the lyre, aulos (double flute), and kithara (a type of harp).

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Monophonic means one instrument playing a single melodic pattern. Therefore, any solo piece would be monophonic. However, if there is an accompaniment, the texture would be homophonic or heterophonic. This means all the parts move together (homophony) or two instruments play the same melodic pattern but in harmony (heterophony). Most classical era music was melody dominated homophony, because most commonly a violin/violins would play the melody, and it would be accompanied by double basses, cellos and various other woodwind instruments.

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For flavouring and texture :)

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What is monophic music?

Do you mean monophonic music? that would be music with a single melodic line (that is, no harmony, counter melody etc.)