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It doesn't make sense to ask what is the tonality of THE Messiah chorus because there are lots of choruses in Messiah. If you mean the most well-known one, the Hallelujah chorus, it's in D major.

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Q: What is the tonality in handels messiah chorus?
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What is the tonality in handel's messiah?

It doesn't make sense to ask what is the tonality of THE Messiah chorus because there are lots of choruses in Messiah. If you mean the most well-known one, the Hallelujah chorus, it's in D major.

What is Handel's best known work?

the messiah was handels most famous peice of music.

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Where was handels messiah first performed?

Dublin, Ireland

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Handel's Messiah is an oratorio. The "i" is likely incorrect.

What was handels most famous oratorio?

Messiah. Handel wrote oratorios, of which the most famous is 'Messiah'.

Why is handels messiah so famous?

it brings joy to lives

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What was George Frideric Handels' birth and death date?

Georg Friedrich Handel was born on February 23, 1685.

What influenced Handel to compose Hallelujah chorus and what was the message of hallelujah chorus?

It's one movement from a larger work, "The Messiah." The famous chorus is about the 2nd Coming of Christ.

When does and the glory of the lord chorus comes in messiah?

The chorus, and the glory of the Lord, is found in the third section of Handel's Messiah. Handel wrote the Messiah in approximately two weeks' time, by hand, in the 1700s. Even though the times and music have changed, this is still considered a masterpiece of music.