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Q: What job does Jonas think lily would be assigned to in the giver?
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How did Jonas father know that he was going to be assigned as a nurturer the giver?

Jonas's father knew that Jonas was going to be assigned as a nurturer because he saw Jonas's name on the list of assignments. In the world of The Giver, assignments are carefully chosen by the Elders based on each individual's qualities and aptitudes. Jonas's father worked in the Nurturing Center and noticed Jonas's qualities that would make him a good nurturer.

Does Jonas from The Giver fit in with his community?

He would leave the community. And think so that no one finds him.

In the book The Giver can Jonas apply for a spouse?

In the society depicted in The Giver, spouses are assigned to individuals by the community's elders, and people do not get to choose their own partners. Jonas would not be able to apply for a spouse based on his own preferences or desires.

What was causing jonas to feel apprehensive in the book the giver?

Jonas was apprehensive in The Giver at the beginning because in the upcoming Ceremony, he would find out his Assignment.

In the giver what do you think Jonas did wrong?


In the giver what is the giver's plan?

The Giver's plan is to teach Jonas about the true history and memories of the community in order to pass on the burden of those memories to Jonas and ultimately guide him to bring about change and restore emotion and color back to their world.

What would the giver say had happened to Jonas?

The Giver would say that Jonas had escaped to Elsewhere, which suggests that he had left the community to start a new life beyond its limits. The Giver would likely emphasize the freedom and potential for growth that Jonas now had outside of their controlled society.

In the giver what do the volunteer hours do for Jonas?

Volunteer hours help decide what Jonas' assignment would be. The Elders would observe Jonas' volunteer hours to see what Jonas is good for.

Who will play Jonas in the movie The Giver?

They haven't decided yet. They even decided if the film is actually going to be made haha. But if they do I think they should get Logan Lerman to play Jonas, he just seems like he would suit the part. Or maybe Colin Ford if they want someone that looks around the same age as Jonas. I also think Justin Bieber would do a good job.

What memory has the giver not shared with Jonas?

The Giver has not shared the memory of war with Jonas. He keeps this memory hidden because it contains intense pain, suffering, and violence that he believes would be too much for Jonas to handle.

What announcement would the giver make at the ceremony after Jonas' departure?

The Giver would announce to the community that Jonas has left to help them understand the truth and experience their memories. He might explain that Jonas is on a journey to bring back love, pain, and color to their colorless society through his memories.

What is the inciting incident of The Giver?

I think the inciting incident would be when Jonas becomes the Reciever because that is where the story leads up to when he find out about "release" and runs away. -RS