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idkbut i know golden finches or just finches are very colourful so that's an optionn

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Q: What kind of bird has black wings white body red on chest yellow bill?
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How do you know if a goldfinch is a male or female?

the male gold finch is bright yellow with black and white wings the female is brown with black and white wings

What G is a common European finch the male of which has a red and white face and yellow and black wings?

Answer.. Goldfinch, is a common European finch the male of which has a red and white face and yellow and black wings.

What color is a eastern goldfinch?

Mainly yellow, with black wings and tail..There is some white streaking in the wings, and the male has a black cap in summer.

What bird of prey has black wings and white chest?

A hermit thrush is one example.

What caterpillars are yellow black and white?

That is a monarch caterpillar it will have orange and black on its wings

What is a kingbird?

A western kingbird is a beautiful bird! it has:a bright yellow belly and yellow under wings, it has a gray head and chest, often has white chin. The wings and tail are dark gray nearly black with white outer edges on tail. The song sounds like a squeaky chatter, sometimes compared to a western-kingbird-1squeaky toy. The call is a sharp loud whit.

Who is hotter dark or krad?

Depends on your tastes. Dark = black clothes, black wings, dark purple hair and dark purple eyes. Krad = white clothes, white wings, blonde hair and yellow-gold eyes.

Bird with Red Face brown body white neck Black and yellow feathers on wings?

It is a male Goldfinch.

How big is the western meadowlark?

Western Meadowlarks are endowed with brown/black backs and wings. They also have a yellow chest with a black V on it.

What bird has a black body yellow cap and white on its wings and tail?

It sounds like you are probably talking about the American Goldfinch. They have black feathers on most of their head, yellow bodies, and black and white feathers on their wings.

Pls describe a black headed cacique?

they have a black 'mask', a black beak, black eyes with a red ring around them, yellow cheeks, peach at the back of their heads, a white belly, a green back, tail and wings, yellow or peach 'drumsticks', black feet and some have a little bit of blue of the tips of their wings

What kind of bird has a yellow body and yellow and black wings?
