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Q: What kind of harp does Andreas Vollenweider use?
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What source of virbation does the harp use?

A harp (no matter which type) uses Vibration through a sound board

The instrument Cotacachi Quichua often use to perform sanjuanes is the?

They commonly used the harp.

What songs does Bruce Springsteen use an e minor harp?

It's Hard To Be A Saint in the City

I would like to know the correct name for what I was told was a mouth harp or juice harp. You hear it associated with blue grass or hillbilly music. Also would like to know how to play one.?

its called a mouth harp or a JEW harp.. Basically it is a bunch of reeds played like a hemonica No, it isn't. While "mouth harp" can be a synonym for "harmonica", it also can refer to the Jew's Harp, which is an entirely different instrument. It consists of one "reed" that you pluck, to make a twangy sound. It only plays one pitch. You hold it up to your mouth to use your mouth as a resonator to give it some volume, and you also adjust the shape of your mouth to adjust the twanginess. The instrument actually has nothing to do with Jews or Judaism, but that is the most common name.

What does a lyre birdn look like?

a harp basically has a base board, strings, and neck.. this i a basic folk harp...with removable legs on the bottom... This is a typical pedal harp usually pedal harps a larger than a folk harp...the only difference is a pedal harp has pedals and a folk does not... Petal harps use pedals to change notes from naturals to sharps or flats....A folk uses small levers at the top of the harp to change each individual note...The folk harp must have the levers flipped and can be changed to two of the three options (natural, sharp, flat) while a pedal harp has all three options and all of the same note is changed at once...which can be a limitation, because for example the strings of C must all be the same (sharp, flat, or natural)...while a folk harp can have C naturals and Flats at the same time...

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How do you use harp in a sentence?

The angel has a halo and a harp. The harp sounds so lovely.

What are Harp seals' fur used for?

The Harp seals use it for insulation from the cold.

Which song does harp mainly used?

Harp mainly use for soft song, classic music

What source of virbation does the harp use?

A harp (no matter which type) uses Vibration through a sound board

What is the difference in a Irish Harp or a Irish Celtic Harp?

1. The Irish harp (Irish Harps/Harps) it is a ballad harp, the Irish band generally use Irish harp, it's medium smaller than theatre harp strings, number is generally 30 to 40 root, price moderate, by hand to adjust the chromatic scale. Irish harp and lyre appearance tectonic theater has obvious difference.

In addition to the lyre which instrument did minnesingers use to accompany their songs?


How do you find the andramada in GTAsa?

Use the car spawner or use gta san Andreas crazy trainer +151.Note:the gta san Andreas crazy trainer +151 realy works fine with me.Note2:my gta san Andreas can't use the car spawner.

Official emblem of Ireland?

The national symbol is O'Carolan's Harp. You will see it on official documents from the Irish government and on Irish coins. It is not, as many people think, the shamrock.Many people believe that it is the shamrock, but it is actually the harp.

What type of harp did the ancient egyptians use?

ancient Egyptians used lyre

How do you get an harp in clash of the titans the game?

You use sub weapon seize on a mermaid

Is Grand Theft Auto San Andreas a good game?

Grand theft auto San Andreas is not a good game because their is a lot of curse words in their if you do bad stuff and they use lots and lots of guns any kind of gun you could think of but my main point is it is not a good game