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It is down to personal preference as to which strings are best for an archtop guitar. Chromes and flatwound strings are both popular. Light gauge strings are preferable as they put less pressure on the neck.

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Q: What kind of strings are used on an Archtop Guitar?
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What is the movable thing on a guitar that shortens the strings?

It is called a CAPO. It is used for changing the pitch, NOT THE TUNING of the guitar.

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Nylon Or steel are best for acoustic but i would recommend having nylon strings on classical guitar rather than acoustic.

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The strings are made up of various metals. I shouldn't see why not.

Can you put martin strings takamine guitars?

Yes, no problem. Martin strings can be used on almost any acoustic guitar.

Are acoustic guitar strings thicker than electric guitar strings?

For the same gauge designation, yes. "Standard" or "Regular" gauge acoustic strings are .013 to .056. Those would be considered very heavy strings on electric guitar, where "Standard" or "Regular" gauge strings would be .010 to .046.

What guitar strings did dimebag play with?

.10-.52's I believe. They're great strings, good for any kind of rock or metal. Heck, I use them for blues!

Can a classical guitar capo be used on a regular acoustic guitar?

Well.....the classical guitar strings are thicker....but i dont think it matters. maybe you can. XxLuciferExilexX

What is another word for guitar?

depends what guitar you mean bass guitar = 4 strings electric guitar = electric often used with Amps Acoustic guitar = most people refer to as normal.